Conference and Journal papers
Zhang, Yiying, Yue Huang, Chao Huang, Hailong Huang, and Anh-Tu Nguyen. "Joint Optimization of Deployment and Flight Planning of Multi-UAVs for Long-distance Data Collection from Large-scale IoT Devices." IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2023).
Huang, Y., Obada-Obieh, B., & Beznosov, K. (2020, April). Amazon vs. my brother: How users of shared smart speakers perceive and cope with privacy risks. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-13).
Huang, Y., Obada-Obieh, B., Lokam, S., & Beznosov, K. (2022). Users' Expectations, Experiences, and Concerns With COVID Alert, an Exposure-Notification App. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(CSCW2), 1-33.
Huang, Yue, Borke Obada-Obieh, and Konstantin Beznosov. "Users' Perceptions of Chrome Compromised Credential Notification." In Eighteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2022), pp. 155-174. 2022.
Huang, Yue, Borke Obada-Obieh, Elissa M. Redmiles, Satya Lokam, and Konstantin Beznosov. "COVID-19 Information-Tracking Solutions: A Qualitative Investigation of the Factors Influencing People’s Adoption Intention." In ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, pp. 12-24. 2022.
Obada-Obieh, Borke, Yue Huang, Lucrezia Spagnolo, and Konstantin Beznosov, “SoK: The Dual Nature of Technology in Sexual Abuse", In 2022 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP) (pp. 2320-2343). IEEE.
Obada-Obieh, Borke, Yue Huang, and Konstantin Beznosov. "The burden of ending online account sharing." In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 1-13. 2020.
Obada-Obieh, Borke, Yue Huang, and Konstantin Beznosov. "Challenges and Threats of Mass Telecommuting: A Qualitative Study of Workers." In Seventeenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2021), pp. 675-694. 2021.
Koushki, Masoud Mehrabi, Yue Huang, Julia Rubin, and Konstantin Beznosov. "Neither Access nor Control: A Longitudinal Investigation of the Efficacy of User {Access-Control} Solutions on Smartphones." In 31st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 22), pp. 917-935. 2022.
A. Voskobojnikov, B. Obada, Yue Huang, K. Beznosov, (2020), “Surviving the Cryptojungle: Perception and Management of Risk Among North American Cryptocurrency (Non)Users", International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security. 2020.
Kianzad, S., Kim, Y., Lindsay, J.A.B., Huang, Y., Benavides, J.B., Leung, R. and MacLean, K.E., 2020, December. Accountability-Aware Design of Voice User Interfaces for Home Appliances. In Graphics Interface 2021.
Azadeh Mokhberi, Yue Huang, Guillaume Humbert, Borke Obada-Obieh Masoud Mehrabi Koushki, Konstantin Beznosov (2024, April), “Trust, Privacy, and Safety Factors Associated with Decision Making in P2P Markets Based on Social Networks: A Case Study of Facebook Marketplace in USA and Canada,” Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Huang, Yue, Borke Obada-Obieh, and Konstantin Beznosov. "End Users’ Information-sharing Behaviours and Preferences within a Multi-user Smart Home." USENIX Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2020.
Y. Huang, B. Obada, K. Beznosov, 2019, “Amazon vs. My Brother: How Users of Shared Smart Speakers Perceive and Cope with Privacy Risks”, USENIX Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS). 2019.
B. Obada, Y. Huang, K. Beznosov, 2019, “'I Still Know What You Did Last Summer!': The Burden of Ending Online Account Sharing”, USENIX Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS). 2019.
A. Voskobojnikov, B. Obada, Y. Huang, K. Beznosov, 2019, “Trusting the Faceless and Decentralized: An Exploration of Trust Among Cryptocurrency Users and Non-Users”, USENIX Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS). 2019.
B. Obada, Y. Huang, K. Beznosov, 2018, “On Dating Sites, Nobody Knows You’re a Dog: Towards Reducing the Risk of Sexual Assault for Users of Dating Sites”, UBC Cybersecurity Summit. 2018.
Y. Huang, B. Obada, K. Beznosov, 2018, “Voice of IoT: Understanding of User Privacy Concerns and Expectations”, UBC Cybersecurity Summit. 2018.
Artemij Voskobojnikov, Yue Huang, Borke Obada-Obieh, Konstantin Beznosov, 2018, “Security Perception in the Cryptocurrency Domain”, UBC Cybersecurity Summit. 2018.
In the News
Research work about shared smart speakers was featured on UBC news.
Research work about COVID-19 digital tracking tools was featured on UBC news.
Professional activities
Paper reviewer for CSCW (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), MobileCHI (2023, 2024), CHI 2023, CHI Play (2023, 2024)
PC member, The 6th Who Are You?! Adventures in Authentication Workshop (WAY 2020), August 9, 2020
Technical committee member, ACHI 2021, The Fourteenth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, July 18 – 22, 2021
Poster Jury, CHI 2021 Late-Breaking Work (LBWs), 2021
Technical committee member, ACHI 2022, The fifteenth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, June 26, - 30, 2022
Technical committee member, ACHI 2023, The Sixteenth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, April 24, 2023 to April 28, 2023 - Venice, Italy